This course will examine the impact of bacteria on wounds including biofilm formation and identify the signs and symptoms of an infected wound and underline the importance of prevention of infection
The T.I.M.E. principle/concept will outline some of the ways forward when dealing with an infected wound.
Please click on all + signs that you see in the course. Please click on all visual cards that ask you to "flip" them. You will not be able to advance to the next section unless you do and answer any questions in that section.
There will be a some questions at the end of some sections of the training to check for comprehension.
Good luck and enjoy the course.
This course is CPD certified.
When you have completed this training module you will be able to:
- Understand the impact of bacteria on wounds, including biofilm formation
- Define wound contamination, colonization and infection
- Identify the signs and symptoms of an infected wound
- Understand when to use topical or systemic antimicrobials
- Appreciate the importance of infection prevention & control
- Use the T.I.M.E. concept to determine a route forward
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Certificate CPD Prevention of Infection
Learning credits
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